So from this blog you can follow links to a website on which I have and will publish various thoughts, documents and information about our church. I hope that you find some of it stimulating and that you might even return here to comment or email me at ncdstockethill@uk.uumail.com.
The links to date are:
A parable of the church: which tries to explain why I'm doing what I'm doing
The story of Stockethill: as it was written about 2 years ago
Organisation: a paper I wrote to help us think through the leadership and organisation structure of the church
Where we've come from, are and might be going - A short theological reflection on the state of the church at the start of 2008
How we 'listen to God' for vision - An overview of why and how we have tried to listen to God's leading us.
I hope to publish more as time goes by, but then I hope to do a lot of things.
Bless you
Ian Aitken